My family's honest cancer super-adventure.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Sept. 3 "Big Days Ahead" (transplanted from CaringBridge.com)

Tomorrow is the appointment with the oncologist, the first since leaving the hospital 10 days ago. We're not quite sure what to expect and have trained ourselves to just be ready for anything. The best outcome would be leaving his office with a date for Trent's appointment at MD Anderson. I have a lot of questions and need to have my game face on as well.

Trent heard from work today and as of now they are working for him to be able to return at some point. Great news! We just don't have any idea when that will be. Could be 3 weeks, could be 3 months depending on so many factors. I'm in a very similar situation but without the worry of "if" I will have a job, thank goodness for contracts. Not only that though, I also have a very supportive and understanding work family. I'm exactly where I need to be. I'm actually still on maternity leave, as crazy as that is.

The kids are still holding steady. Gavin is hot and cold with everyone but Sabrinna these days. He got love for her all the time. He is concerned for his daddy and says "it hurts" when he sees his arm and his scars, but he'll hug, kiss and sit with Trent now, which Is great for everyone. Cole is a different story. He hasn't quite warmed up to Trent yet and won't really tolerate sitting or laying with him. Sometimes heartbreaking as we are subtly reminded of the days ahead and what they might bring. I truly pray for peace in pur hearts regarding these baby boys who are just so little. The girls are good so far. School seems to be keeping them mostly busy. There have been so many changes for them, my radar is on full alert. Mom is doing a great job of heading things off at the pass for us in regards to all of the babies who leave the house, a huge help and we can't thank her enough.

Jeez, I said this would be short.

His arm has been hurting a lot today and is worried that he might be building a tolerance to his pain medication. Unfortunately, I think it's just going to hurt for a while. The appointment with the ortho docs is Monday and that can be addressed then along with the next step with the inside of his arm. He's developed some mystery blisters on the outside of his arm where the road rash was that's troubling. We gave it 2 days but I think if it doesn't look at least 50% better in the morning it's time to call plastics.

Our moral is minute to minute. We are still in disbelief. Trent had his Dad take him to the crash site today to see if he could find his wallet. He said he knew exactly where it happened and found a bunch of debris from the truck. A pen, a sharpie, his small bottle of cologne and the belt that saved his life. The tire tracks seemed to help to tell the tale and they didn't hang out long. I don't think it was exactly going to turn into Trent's new hang out spot.

Better news! My bff Jennifer DeLara who is turning into event planner especial has locked down the date and location of the fundraiser that she is spearheading for us. Amazing! She has asked me to add the info that she has so far.

Save the Date: Sat. October 25 at Hanover's in Pflugerville, Tx. This is s kid-friendly event. So far it looks to be a volleyball tournament (of course ??) and silent auction. She is soliciting help of all kinds so if you feel the pull let me know and I'll put you in contact with her. This is a big undertaking and I know she could use the help. She's asked me to ask you to please spread the word.

We can't thank you enough for all of your kind words, offers for help, prayers and good thoughts. They carry us through those low times.

Sleep well and tell somebody you love them.
Galatians 6:9

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